
Restaurateur kills burglar near Lodi (4)

Shot with licensed hunting rifle

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Milan, March 10 - A restaurateur shot dead a burglar trying to get into his restaurant at Casaletto Lodigiano near Lodi in northern Italy overnight police said Friday. The thief, who was trying to break in with accomplices, has not yet been identified.
    The restaurateur was named as Mario Cattaneo, 67. The attempted burglary of the bar-restaurant, Osteria dei amis, took place at around 4 a.m., police said. The owner of the osteria, which was also a tobacconist's, heard noises and went downstairs where after a struggle he shot the intruder with his licensed hunting rifle. The other members of the gang fled, leaving their haul of cigarettes. Cattaneo was slightly injured.

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