
Girl kidnapped by Syrian father returns (2)

Houda Emma Kharat about to turn 7

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 10 - A nearly seven-year-old girl kidnapped by her Syrian father five years ago is set to arrive in Milan on a flight from Istanbul to be reunited with her mother, the Italian foreign ministry said Friday. Houda Emma Kharat, who was taken to Aleppo by her father, is set to see her mother Alice Rossini for the first time since she was kidnapped when she was just over one year of age. Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano said Houda's return was "made possible by the excellent collaboration" between Italy and Turkey. "The Turkish authorities, in fact, aware of the humanitarian value of the case, facilitated the arrival from Syria and the transit across Turkey of little Houda Emma." He said "this evening Houda Emma will be re-embraced by her mother". Alfano added: "Thank you, therefore, from the heart, to the Turkish authorities and all the structures of the Italian State, which made this embrace possible".

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