
2 Italian women slightly hurt (3)

Aunt, niece from Bergamo

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Berlin, March 10 - Two Italian women, an aunt and her niece from Bergamo, were slightly injured in last night's axe attack at a Duesseldorf train station, the Italian consul in Cologne, Emilio Lolli, said Friday. "This morning I went to the hospital in Duesseldorf, to visit the victim I had heard about overnight, but she had already been discharged," Lolli went on. "It was the governor of the Land, who called me personally, who clarified that there were two people involved and not one as I had previously learned from the police". Lolli told ANSA later he had received a phone call from North Rhein-Westphalia Land Minister-President Hannelore Kraft who "expressed her regret for what happed to our compatriots.
    "She also said the Land is ready to offer psychological support to the two Lombard women," Lolli said.
    "It seems to me an important gestire of attention in light of the problems that took place in the case of the Berlin attack," he said, referring to a Christmas market attack by an Islamist terrorist that left 12 people dead, after which the family of Italian victim Fabrizia Di Lorenzo criticised how the German police had handled the emergency.
    Earlier Duesseldorf police chief Norbert Wessler told a press conference Italian tourists were involved in the axe-wielding attack by a Yugoslav-born 36-year-old man with mental problems who wounded nine people including two women, four seriously. The man was reported to be a paranoid schizophrenic, who acted alone.

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