
Viareggio sentence mustn't expire -Rossi

Those who made mistakes must pay

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Florence, January 31 - Tuscany Governor Enrico Rossi on Tuesday stressed the importance of the sentence on the Viareggio rail disaster not timing out under the statute of limitations.
    "It's important that it all hasn't already timed out, and I think this sentence corresponds to a need for justice, raised with much firmness and force by the victims and the entire city of Viareggio," he said.
    "As a region we were civil plaintiffs in this trial and so we behaved as it was fit and proper to do," he went on. What happened on June 29, 2009, when a fireball from a gas train killed 32 people, was "a real tragedy which will be remembered over time, and I don't think anyone can really heal the wound that that dramatic event brought on the city.
    Thirty-two people died suddenly, without any warning, unexpectedly".

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