
Constitutional Court explains voucher

'It must be occasional work', says in upholding CGIL appeal

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, January 27 - The Constitutional Court on Friday explained why it recently OK'd a union-sponsored referendum on Italy's widely abused system of using vouchers to pay for occasional work.
    In the regulations on the voucher system, "there is no reference to the occasional nature of the work as a requirement", it said in its 'motivation' for its upholding of a referendum proposed by the trade union federation CGIL. Trade unions have blasted the vouchers, saying they are being widely abused, with some employers using them to pay employees who are actually working regularly and often full time.
    Italy's labour ministry said last March that about 1.4 million people were paid with vouchers in 2015.
    About 7.9% of voucher receivers were working with the same company in the three months preceding the use of the vouchers, a report issued by the ministry at that time found.

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