
Student dies of meningitis in Milan

Second case since July, but 'not linked'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Milan, December 1 - A Milan university student died of meningitis in Milan's Niguarda hospital Wednesday after another young woman who frequented the same university lab died in July, ANSA sources said Thursday. Experts said, however, that the cases were not linked. Some 120 people have been vaccinated as a precautionary measures since the second woman's death, sources said. "There is no meningitis alert in Milan," local public health pointman Giorgio Ciconali told ANSA. He said meningitis "is unfortunately a disease that re-presents itself every now and then, fortunately with relatively low numbers.
    There's obviously a concern when a 24-year-old girl dies, a few months after another girl working in the same lab at Milan's State University dies of the same disease. But it's a quite exceptional event, which amazed us: for the moment there is no evidence linking the two cases".

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