
28 face trial for Capital Mafia (2)

PD ex-whips D'Ausilio and Vincenzi involved

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, July 1 - Some 28 people involved in the third part of Rome's Capital Mafia case now risk being indicted, judicial sources said Friday. Many of them are already on trial in the case of a criminal gang that muscled in on city contracts. Among the new names are the former Democratic Party (PD) city council whip, Francesco D'Ausilio, and the former Lazio regional assembly PD whip, Marco Vincenzi. The Capital Mafia gang, led by former rightist terrorist and gangster Massimo Carminati and former leftwing cooperative kingpin Salvatore Buzzi, allegedly made millions from city contracts including those to run Roma gypsy and migrant camps.

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