
Wire-tap abuses 'limited', Legnini says

Reform of statute of limitations must be a 'priority'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 19 - Cases of abuse in the transcription of wire-taps "are very limited", vice president of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM), the judiciary's self-governing body, Giovanni Legnini said Tuesday.
    "The problem is that they create a stir," Legnini added in an interview with
    His comments came after industry minister Federica Guidi resigned at the end of last month over a wiretapped conversation with her oil-industry boyfriend, Gianluca Gemelli, about a government amendment to a project benefitting him in Basilicata.
    Gemelli is being probed for alleged influence peddling.
    Guidi is not under investigation.
    "I cannot comment on an open investigation: I am not familiar with the documents and it is up to the investigating magistrates to judge the relevance (of some of Guidi's conversations that subsequently appeared in the press)," Legnini continued. "Some phrases arouse perplexity and this is legitimate, but a full evaluation will be made when the documents are made public," he said. Also on Tuesday Legnini said reform of the statute of limitations must be a "priority" and that a government proposal "goes in the right direction" and should be approved "as soon as possible". "We can't allow the outcome of investigations and first and second instance trials to come under the axe of the statute of limitations," he said.
    Legnini is de facto head of the CSM while its titular head is Italian President Sergio Mattarella.

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