
Pegoraro life sentence upheld

Ex deputy police chief killed town mayor

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Milan, April 19 - A Milan appeals court on Tuesday upheld a life sentence against a former deputy police chief who shot dead a town mayor after he was suspended following a graft conviction.
    On July 2, 2013, Giuseppe Pegoraro shot Cardano al Campo Mayor Laura Prati and injured her then-deputy, Costantino Iametti, after bursting into their office. Prati died in hospital 20 days later.
    He then threw a smoke bomb into SPI-CGIL pensioners union headquarters, and fled in a car.
    Pegoraro, aged 60 at the time, was arrested by police after a chase and a shootout. On Tuesday, the court found him guilty of an additional count of resisting arrest for firing at two police officers during the pursuit.

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