
Merkel no comment on terror report

'We know there are threats in all European countries,' she says

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Berlin, April 19 - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Tuesday she could not comment on a report in German daily Bild that the authorities feared Islamist terrorists were planning attacks on European beaches.
    "We know there are threats in all European countries and I cannot comment further on these reports," Merkel said.
    The chancellor also stressed the need for "close collaboration" between intelligence services and security forces throughout Europe.
    "Only in this way is it possible to combat ISIS," Merkel said. For their part Italian intelligence sources said Tuesday that the German news reports were "groundless". The sources also denied a report that Italian intelligence services had sent on information about the possibility that terrorists disguised as beach hawkers could blow themselves up. "Terrorism planned on our beaches!" wrote Bild citing alleged contacts between the Italian secret services and the German ones. The information regarding this potential threat came from Africa, the report said, adding that terrorists were ready to use explosives and fire arms on European beaches.

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