
Marco Milanese gets 2 1/2 yrs for MOSE

Convicted of influence trafficking

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Milan, April 14 - Marco Milanese, former advisor to ex-finance minister Giulio Tremonti and former MP in Silvio Berlusconi's now-defunct centre-right People of Freedom (PdL) party, was sentenced Thursday to two and a half years in jail for influence trafficking linked to Venice's MOSE flood-barrier project. The court ruled out the more serious initial charge of complicity in corruption. Prosecutors had requested three and a half years in jail for Milanese, who denied wrongdoing.
    The court also ordered Milanese to pay damages of 100,000 euros each to the Venezia Nuova Consortium and the economy ministry.
    Milanese did not comment on the verdict.

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