
Prosecutors to ask for Regeni evidence

Egypt still hasn't turned over cell phone records

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 11 - Rome prosecutors will send their Egyptian counterparts investigating the Cairo torture and murder of Italian student Giulio Regeni a fresh request for key evidence in the case at the end of this week, sources said Monday. Regeni was abducted in Cairo on January 25 and his burned, beaten, stabbed and mutilated body turned up in a ditch on the city's outskirts on February 3. Italy last week summoned its ambassador from Cairo after Egypt failed for the umpteenth time to turn over key evidence that could help solve the case, such as cell phone records. Egyptian authorities have offered up a series of scenarios for how the atrocity occurred, ranging from a road accident to a gay lovers' spat to a kidnapping for ransom gone wrong. Italy has not found any of these versions credible.

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