
RAI journalistic supervision from Sept

Campo Dall'Orto says broadcaster in 'transition period'

Redazione Ansa

(see related (ANSA) - Rome, April 7 - RAI Director General Antonio Campo Dall'Orto told parliament's anti-mafia commission on Thursday that the new management of the State broadcaster will have greater supervision of the journalistic content of its programmes from September. Campo Dall'Orto was responding to a question about a controversial interview with the son of jailed Mafia boss of bosses Totò Riina that was screened by RAI on Wednesday. "This is a period of transition," said Campo Dall'Orto, who took over at RAI last year. "First we decided to deal with the (appointments) at the news services. Then from September 1 it will be necessary to manage to have supervision of the journalist content".

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