
I'm not a scullery maid Guidi said

Ex-industry minister quizzed by Potenza prosecutors

Redazione Ansa

(fixes typo in slug).
    (ANSA) - Rome, April 7 - Former industry minister Federica Guidi complained that her oil-industry boyfriend Gianluca Gemelli was treating her like a "scullery maid" in insistently asking her for favours, according to wiretaps in Italian dailies Thursday.
    "All you do is ask me for favours, I'm not a scullery maid," Guidi is heard saying to Gemelli, over whose involvement in a southern Italian oil probe she stood down last Thursday. In another wiretap she complains to Gemelli about her deputy, Claudio De Vincenti, and says Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan owed his post to the oil lobby.
    In another wiretap between Gemelli and an industry ministry consultant, reference is made to an incriminating dossier on Transport and Infrastructure Minister Graziano Delrio.
    On Thursday Gudi travelled to the southern city of Potenza where she was being quizzed by prosecutors investigating suspected graft, waste trafficking and illegal waste disposal at a pol projects by Total and Eni in the Basilicata region.
    Guidi resigned over a wiretap in which she told Gemelli about a government amendment in favour of the Tempa Rossa project in which he stood to earn 2.5 million euros.
    Gemelli is under investigation for conspiracy to commit corruption and illegal influence trafficking.
    Heading into the questioning session Guidi, who is not under investigation, said "I will clear everything up." In un'altra, Guidi parla con lui del suo vice De Vincenti e del ministro dell'Economia Padoan. Intercettazioni, inoltre, di una conversazione con Gemelli di un consulente del ministero dello Sviluppo in cui si fa riferimento ad un dossier sul ministro Infrastrutture, Delrio. Stamani la Guidi (che non è indagata) è a Potenza per un faccia a faccia con i pm come persona informata sui fatti.

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