
New anti-smog measures in Milan, Naples

Rome car bans foiled by lack of controls - Codacons

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Milan, February 1 - New anti-smog measures came into force in Milan and 21 other municipalities around the Lombardy regional capital on Monday after levels of fine particulate matter remained above legal limits for 10 consecutive days. Measures included a ban on circulation for Euro 3 diesel cars without a particulate filter and a reduction of one degree celsius and two hours per day for central heating systems. Anti-smog measures were also introduced in the southern city of Naples in response to air pollution there. Mayor Luigi De Magistris signed an ordinance restricting circulation until February 6 and banning polluting vehicles unless at least three people are on board. Meanwhile consumer association Codacons complained that numerous vehicles could be seen circulating in Rome on Sunday despite a ban due to a lack of controls by municipal police. "The inability to ensure blanket controls thwarts all provisions limiting private traffic and is ineffective in the fight against smog," Codacons said.
    Italy battled a heavy smog problem in the run-up to Christmas and the New Year, when extraordinary measures were introduced in several large cities including Milan, Naples and Rome.

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