
Rome prohibits sexist advertising

Mayor Marino against ads 'using a woman's body in sexist way'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 23 - A new regulatory plan on advertising in the city of Rome will enter into effect in the coming days, and on Monday Rome Mayor Ignazio Marino said advertising space would be prohibited to those who "use women's bodies or launch sexist messages".
    "City advertising space will be able to be sold only to those who respect the rules in the new regulatory plan and so a woman's body can't be associated with images that objectify it or portray it in a sexist way," Marino said.
    Marino reviewed the city's advertising code with respect to the "Friendly Images Award" (Premio Immagini Amiche) promoted by the Women's Union in Italy (UDI) and the Office of Information of the European Parliament in Italy, aimed at promoting communication that "goes beyond stereotypes".

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