
Marijuana does not help creativity - Italian expert

Researchers debunk 'urban myth' that weed improves ideas

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, October 8 - Smoking marijuana does not improve creativity, despite the urban myths created by famous artists who have claimed otherwise, an Italian researcher told ANSA.
    Lorenza Colzato, working at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands, said that her research on 54 young men all about 21 found that smoking weed "does not help in cognitive performance" nor in creativity.
    In fact the research, to be published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, concluded that while there is no benefit in marijuana at low doses, it is actually harmful to brain activity at higher levels of consumption Marijuana use has been common among many great artists and inventors, who have said it helps them to be more relaxed and creative.

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