
Baby Pit Stops in Veneto museums

UNICEF project aims to encourage breast feeding

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Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Venice, June 17 - Mothers visiting museums and libraries in the northern Veneto region should soon be able to breastfeed and change their babies in dedicated areas under an agreement between the regional authorities and the United Nations children's agency UNICEF.
    The project, named Baby Pit Stop, is part of the national Baby friendly hospital and community initiative that has already seen the creation of similar dedicated areas in other parts of the country. Veneto governor Luca Zaia of the right-wing Northern League defined the project as "an initiative of civility, a service that is a positive signal from a community that has invested a great deal in this area".
    President of UNICEF Italy Giacomo Guerrera spoke of the desire to open as many Baby Pit Stops as possible across the country as part of efforts to promote a return to breast feeding among new mothers.
    The World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding up to six months of age with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond.
    However, inadequate information and lack of support from family, the health care system and society at large mean that many mothers give up nursing early, or never even try.

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