
INPS using AI to match labour supply and demand

New platform aims for inclusion and targeted job training

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 5 - State pension and social security agency INPS said Friday that it has started using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to match labour supply and demand to make sure people get the jobs they are best suited for.
    The institute's new SIISL platform - Sistema Informativo per l'Inclusione Sociale e Lavorativa (Information System for Social and Labour Inclusion) - applies Artificial Intelligence and proposes, on an experimental basis, to the beneficiaries of the Support for Training and Work (Sfl) and the Assegno di Inclusione (ADI) benefit schemes who access the platform in the process of job activation, the job offers that best match their professional profile.
    With AI, the system calculates an 'affinity index' of the job offers present on SIISL with respect to the curricula, said INPS. (ANSA).

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