
Fight fraudsters, help those who want to pay but can't -Leo

Aim to make tax collection faster, more efficient says undersec

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 11 - Economy Deputy Minister Maurizio Leo said after cabinet approval of a legislative decrees on tax collection and games Monday that "the government will continue to fight against the scoundrels, while there is every will to help those who want to pay but are unable to settle their debt with the tax authorities in full".
    "For this reason, we will help taxpayers by increasing the maximum instalment plan," he added, "which will gradually increase from 72 to 120 instalments.
    'There are already ten decrees implementing the tax reform presented to cabinet of which eight have been definitively approved," said Leo.
    "In particular,' he explained, 'today the government approved at first reading the decree on tax collection.
    "This is an important intervention on a complex and delicate matter, which has three objectives: to streamline the current stock of tax debts, currently at 1,200 billion; to prevent the creation of another stock of the same size in the future; and to make collection faster and more efficient, in line with the main European countries". (ANSA).

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