
Retail sales up in value terms, down in volume, in 2023

Value up 2.8%, volume down 3.7% says Istat

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 7 - Istat said Wednesday that Italian retail sales increased by 2.8% in value terms in 2023, but the volume of sales fell by 3.7% compared with 2022.
    The data from the national statistics agency gives an indication of the impact of the cost-of-living crisis, with consumers paying more to have less.
    Istat said that the value of retail trade rose in December 2023 for the 33rd month in a row in year-on-year terms, increasing by 0.3%, while volume sales fell by 3.2%.
    "In December 2023, when compared with the same month a year earlier, large-scale distribution was up 1.9%, small-scale distribution decreased by 1.2% and non-store retail sales dropped by 3.3%," the agency said.
    "Online sales grew by 1.1% when compared with December 2022".

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