
Italian salaries have risen just 1% in real terms since 1991

Inapp report says average for OECD is 32.5%

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 14 - Salaries in Italy rose by just 1% in real terms between 1991 and 2022, compared to an OECD-area average of 32.5%, public-policy research agency Inapp said in a report on Thursday.
    The report said the poor real-salary growth was linked to some degree to low labour productivity, while stressing that the latter had still increased by more than wages had.
    It said wages made up for an increasingly lower proportion of GDP while profits accounted for more and more.
    "There are major doubts about whether this model is sustainable in the long term," the report said. (ANSA).

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