
Exports to non-EU countries dropped sharply in Sept

Imports down too says Istat

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 30 - Istat said Monday that Italy's exports to non-EU27 countries dropped by 7.2% in September compared to the same month last year.
    The national statistics agency added that exports decreased by 6.9% with respect to August, according to seasonally adjusted data.
    Imports were down too, falling by 32.3% compared with September 2022 and by 2.1% on August this year, Istat said.
    In September 2023, the trade balance with non-EU27 countries registered a surplus of 2,780 million euros compared to a deficit of 5,430 million euros in September 2022, Istat said.
    The surplus was equal to 8,273 million euros when energy is excluded, up from a 6,666-million-euro surplus in September 2022. (ANSA).

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