
Confindustria head sees 'robust recovery' coming

But Bonomi also fears slowdown in investments

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 19 - Confindustria President Carlo Bonomi said on Thursday that he expects the Italian economy to pull out fast from the current slowdown in the second half of this year.
    "The first six months of this year will be characterized by some problems," Bonomi told Radio24.
    "But the economy should recover in a robust way in the second half of the year".
    The head of the industry association added, however, that "we fear a slowdown in investments.
    "That is the reason why Confindustria pushed a great deal for the government to stimulate them, including in the discussions on the (2023) budget law.
    "We hope that there will be support instruments for businesses for investments.
    "We should be obsessed by growth and we can only achieve this if we are competitive". (ANSA).

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