
Draghi to sign civil service 'innovation pact'

With Brunetta, big three union leaders

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 8 - Premier Mario Draghi is set to start work on cutting red tape one of the priorities of his government, by signing an "innovation pact" with civil service unions on Wednesday, sources said Monday.
    The former European central banker, who has promised the EU long awaited reforms to the civil service and justice system, will sign the pact with the leaders of Italy's big three union federations, CIGL, CISL and UIL.
    Civil Service Minister Renato Brunetta will also be in attendance.
    The accord is formally called "pact for the innovation of the civil service and social cohesion".
    Cutting business-stifling red tape and speeding Italy's snail-paced justice system are two of the priorities Draghi has set in order to implement over 200 billion euros of EU COVID recovery funding. (ANSA).

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