
Half Italy's household income hit by virus -BoI

Self-employed hit hardest says central bank

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 7 - Over half of Italian households' income has been hit by the coronavirus emergency, the Bank of Italy said Tuesday.
    "More than half of the population says it has suffered a contraction of household income following the measures adopted to contain the epidemic," it said.
    "The impact has been particularly severe on self-employed workers".
    The data were contained in the central bank's report on Italian households between April and May.
    A third of households only has reserves to last them only three months, the report said.
    Some 40% of families are struggling to keep up with their mortgage payments, the report said.
    Some 30% of families will not have a holiday this year.
    Furthermore, there has been a marked worsening in the housing market, the BoI said.
    The report came as the European Commission said Italian GDP will fall by a record 11.2% this year. (ANSA).

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