
Economy minister grilled for 3 hrs

If spread rises to 500, 'we will do like Draghi'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, October 9 - Economy Minister Giovanni Tria on Tuesday underwent a lengthy grilling session before the budget committee of Italy's lower house of parliament.
    The hearing went on for several hours, leading to less time for hearings planned after it, including one with the Bank of Italy. Most of the many questions centered on growth estimates, pensions, the spread and a possible financial crisis that Italy would be at risk of if the latter were to rise further. If the spread were to rise to 400 or 500, the minister said that "the government will do what it needs to do, as (European Central Bank president) Draghi did". After being criticized by the opposition for this answer, Tria said it was "the only one possible".

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