
Gubitosi,Montezemolo meet Gentiloni (2)

Non-stop talks form April 6 over plan to turn airline around

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 31 - Incoming Alitalia President Luigi Gubitosi and outgoing President Luca Cordero di Montezemolo went to the premier's office at Palazzo Chigi for talks with Premier Paolo Gentiloni, sources said Friday. Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan, Transport Minister Graziano Delrio and Industry Minister Carlo Calenda also took part, the sources said.
    Non-stop talks will start at the industry ministry on the plan to save loss-making airline Alitalia on April 6, with a deadline for the deal set for April 13, sources said Friday. Labour Minister Giuliano Poletti saw unions last night and is set to see management later today in a bid to avert, or reduce, 2,000 job cuts in a plan to turn around the loss-making airline.
    Calenda said "there is a chance of reaching a deal".

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