
First Jobs Act 'relocation' letters sent (2)

Premier recalls Marco Biagi

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 16 - Premier Paolo Gentiloni on Thursday announced the start of a trial of 'relocation' under the Jobs Act labour reform, saying that the first 30,000 letters had been sent out, 10% of the planned total. The recipients of the letters containing a relocation cheque were picked from workers who have been getting the NASPI benefit for at least four months. They will get a bonus of up to 5,000 euros to help them use "intensive assistance" to find a new job, from a government job centre or an accredited jobs agency. Gentiloni said a few days from the 15th anniversary of the barbaric assassination of (labour reform consultant) Marco Biagi, it is dutiful to recall his far-sighted message on active jobs policies, which envisage not only safeguarding jobs but also the State accompanying the worker (towards new employment)".

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