
Sole 24 Ore offices raided, 10 probed (3)

Benedini, Treu, Napoletano among those under investigation

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Milan, March 10 - Tax police on Friday raided offices of business daily Il Sole 24 Ore group in a probe where 10 people are under investigation for false reporting and misappropriation to the tune of 3 million euros. Among those probed for false reporting are the former chairman of the group, Benito Benedini, former CEO Donatella Treu and the editor-in-chief of the Il Sole 24 Ore daily, Roberto Napoletano, judicial sources said.
    The probe is focused on the suspected fictitious registration of tens of thousands of digital subscriptions, police said. Il Sole 24 Ore is Italy's leading financial daily. The group also controls a business radio station.

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