
Renzi hails Gentiloni tax cut plans (2)

'Keep cutting taxes,' says ex-premier

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 6 - Ex-premier Matteo Renzi on Monday hailed Premier Paolo Gentiloni's plans to cut taxes on business.
    Renzi said in his e-news Gentiloni had "made an excellent speech" on Italian TV Sunday, "highlighting that the goal to be pursued is to keep cutting taxes. After IRAP, labour costs, IMU and TASI, 80 euros, farm taxes, RAI license fee, IRES, self-employed, I think we can can and must continue on the road of fiscal reduction. We are there". On peak-time TV Sunday Gentiloni said the government would further reducing labour taxes "in order to make investments more advantageous."

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