
Confindustria approves new VP team

President-designate to retain responsibility for key areas

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) Rome, April 28 - The general council of the powerful industrial association Confindustria on Thursday gave its backing to the new team of vice presidents proposed by president-designate Vincenzo Boccia. The Salerno businessman nominated Maurizio Stirpe as vice president for labour and industrial relations, Giovanni Brugnoli for human capital and Giulio Pedrollo for industrial policy.
    He also confirmed Lisa Ferrarini in her existing role of vice president for Europe, Licia Mattioli for internationalisation and Antonella Mansi for organisation. There are also three ex officio members of the team: Alberto Baban, president of small enterprise, Marco Gay, president of young entrepreneurs, and Stefano Pari, president of the council of regional representatives. Boccia will retain responsibility for certain strategic areas including credit and finance for development, energy and business networks and the Confindustria study centre will report to him. The team will remain in office for four years. Boccia was elected to replace Giorgio Squinzi as president of Confindustria by a narrow margin at the end of March.
    His nomination needs to be ratified at an assembly on June 25.

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