
Unions slam DEF's contract provisions (2)

CGIL, CISL and UIL berate lack of growth, jobs measures

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 18 - Italy's 'big three' trade union federations told the parliamentary budget commission Monday proposed changes to national collective bargaining rules contained in the government's 2016 financial and economic blueprint risk "altering the balance of industrial relations in the country". "Disarticulating the collective bargaining system could generate negative consequences for both workers and companies," CGIL, CISL and UIL said. "The first could get dumped, the second could suffer from unfair competition".
    CGIL added the DEF would "prolong the economic crisis...via a strategy of consolidating public finances instead of expansionary measures".
    UIL said the DEF fails to promote economic growth and job creation via massive public investments. "We see no trace of these," the UIL delegates told lawmakers.

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