
Atlante to sub-underwrite Pop Vicenza

BP Sondrio to take part in fund with 50 mln euros

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Milan, April 18 - The Italian global banking and financial services company UniCredit on Monday reached an agreement with Quaestio Capital Managament, on behalf of the Atlante fund, to sub-underwrite liabilities agreed by UniCredit as part of the BP Vicenza capital increase.
    The Atlante fund is a new private fund to aid struggling Italian banks to help avert the risk of bail-ins and keep the national banking system stable. ''Intervention by the fund, which will help meet minimum yield targets, is in line with institutional aims and subject to the attainment of the necessary authorizations and approvals by the authorities in question (the European Central Bank, the Italian central bank and the Italian Securities and Exchange Commission) and in compliance with the regulations of the fund itself,'' according to a statement issued by the management company under Alessandro Penati, who signed the agreement with UniCredit on behalf of Atlante, as the latter is still being constituted. The agreement ''foresees, in relation to the capital increase for BP Vicenza's listing on the stock exchange, the sub-underwriting by the Atlante fund of the liabilities undertaken by UniCredit as guarantor of the capital increase.
    BP Sondrio has meanwhile told Quaestio Capital Management that it will be taking part in the Atlante fund with a maximum of 50 million euros.

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