
One in 10 families in 'relative poverty'

Four million people gravely deprived in South

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 7 - The poverty rate was stable between 2013 and the following year, ISTAT national statistics agency said Thursday. "Relative and absolute poverty rates remained substantially stable," the agency said. "Relative poverty affects approximately one-tenth of families, while absolute poverty affects 5.7%". In the South, four million people suffered grave material deprivation in 2014, down to 11.6% from 12.3% in 2013, ISTAT said. In the central and northern regions, that figure affected almost three million individuals or 7.2%.
    As well, ISTAT said public administration spends some 13,500 euros a year on Italian citizens per capita, slightly above the EU-28 average. Britain, France and Germany spend more while Spain spends less.

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