
Italian banks take another pounding

Cantone says govt in talks with EU for compensation claims

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Milan, April 7 - The Milan stock exchange's FTSE Mib index was 1.5% down at the midway point of trading on Thursday with stocks in several banks taking another pounding.
    Bank shares were down by an average of 2%, with UBI Banca the biggest loser after it shed over 4%.
    On Wednesday a government decree with measures aimed at encouraging consolidation in a banking system that many experts consider too fragmented won final approval in parliament. The new law contains a reform of Italy's multitude of cooperative credit banks (BCCs) as well as measures on State-backed securitization guarantees of non-performing loans (NPLs).
    Premier Matteo Renzi's government recently had to take action to save four small lenders - including one in which Reform Minister Maria Elena Boschi's father was a vice president.
    But the rescue left many investors with worthless shares and bonds in those banks, leading to a huge furore and no-confidence motions that the executive had to fend off.
    Anti-corruption agency ANAC has been tasked with holding the arbitration in the cases of small investors in Banca Etruria, Banca delle Marche, Cassa di Risparmio della Provincia di Chieti (CariChieti) and Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara (CariFe).
    Many investors said they were deceived by the banks about the risks entailed in buying bonds in them. One of Banca Etruria's former bondholders committed suicide after his life savings went up in smoke.
    But ANAC President Raffele Cantone said Thursday that arbitration may not be necessary.
    "The decree for the compensation is on hold because they (the government) are talking to Europe to see if it's possible to widen the range of the compensation in order to avoid arbitration, which would be better for us," Cantone said.

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