
'Alitalians do it better' new motto

Etihad CEO presents slogan for Alitalia staff to wear

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, September 12 - The motto 'Alitalians do it better' has been adopted as the new slogan for the Italian carrier Alitalia and will be worn by its employees, its principal investor Eithad Airways announced Friday.
    The words will appear on a round, green button to be worn by Alitalia staff and was distributed during a meeting with airline employees by James Hogan, chief executive officer of Etihad.
    The United Arab Emirates-based Etihad threw the struggling Italian carrier a lifeline in the form of a 560-million euro investment for a 49% stake.
    The funding deal was signed last month between the airlines, and is currently being reviewed by European regulators.
    At the formal signing ceremony in August, Hogan said he wanted to find a way to make Alitalia "the sexiest airline in Europe".
    Hogan has been meeting with Alitalia employees in Rome and Milan to outline a new strategy for the airline.

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