
Retired tennis star Giorgi in dispute with tax authorities

Former pro denies being 'on the run'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 13 - Camila Giorgi has denied reports that her surprise decision to retire from tennis last week was linked to a tax dispute and that she is on the run from the Italian authorities.
    In an Instagram post at the weekend, the 32-year-old confirmed that she had quit, a move that had not been announced except for her name appearing on the International Tennis Integrity Agency's (ITIA) Retired Players List with May 7 given as the date of the end of her professional career.
    She described the reports about the reasons for the retirement as "fake articles".
    The Italian tax authorities have reportedly been trying to track Giorgi down for about one month.
    At the moment her whereabouts is not known. There are reports she could be in the United States.
    The Italian Inland Revenue agency has reportedly sent an order for the seizure of 464,000 to the Italian Tennis Federation in relation to a tax dispute.
    The federation is involved because it pays bonuses to players, so the tax authorities are seeking to get their hands on any of those that have so far not been paid out.
    Giorgi's highest position in the singles world ranking was 26 in October 2018.
    She won four tournaments on the tour, the biggest being the WTA 1000 event in Montreal in 2021. (ANSA).

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