
Green's Bonelli refuses to condemn Roccella shout-down

I'm on the side of women students says MP

Redazione Ansa

(see related) (ANSA) - ROME, MAY 9 - Angelo Bonelli, an MP for the Green-Left Alliance (AVS), on Thursday refused to abide by Premier Giorgia Meloni's call for all Italy's political parties to condemn the shouting down of Family and Equal Opportunities Minister Eugenia Roccella at a conference in Rome.
    "President Meloni, I will not condemn it," Bonelli said.
    "Protest is the basis of democracy.
    "After you have occupied every public media space with your rallies broadcast on networks, after you have allowed religious-fundamentalist organizations to enter counselling centres to sabotage Law 194 (legalising abortion), I am on the side of the women students who displayed signs saying 'We decide about our bodies'" (ANSA).

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