
Toti put public function at private disposal says GIP

To further businessmen's interests says judge

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 7 - The preliminary investigations judge (GIP) of Genoa said Liguria Governor Giovanni Toti put his public function at the disposal of private interests in a graft probe that has led to his house arrest Tuesday.
    "On the occasion of and in conjunction with the four electoral competitions that followed one another in 18 months from 2021 to 2022, Toti, pressed by the need to find funds to face the electoral campaign, made his function and powers available for the benefit of private interests, in exchange for funding, reiterating the mechanism with several entrepreneurs", said the GIP.
    Toti, a former Berlusconi journalist and political advisor, denies wrongdoing. (ANSA).

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