
Guterres meets Mattarella at UN, hails Italy's role

Rome is 'fundamental pillar of multilateralism' says UN chief

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 7 - United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres hailed the role Italy plays on the international arena during a meeting with Italian President Sergio Mattarella at the UN's headquarters in New York on Monday.
    "Italy is a fundamental pillar of multilateralism and an exemplary partner of the United Nations," Guterres said.
    "Italy is always present in every area of our activities, in peacekeeping operations, in sustainable development, in climate protection, in human rights.
    "It is very important to say this at a time when Italy is taking over the presidency of the G7".
    The UN chief specifically mentioned Italy's involvement in the UNIFIL mission in Lebanon.
    "An additional reason to be grateful to Italy regards the 1,081 Italian soldiers deployed in the UNIFIL mission in extremely dangerous circumstances, with the professionalism and courage that not only represent Italy's generous contribution to the world, but also demonstrate its very strong commitment to the UN, with multilateralism and with peace," Guterres said.
    During the meeting, Mattarella said that "at this time it is necessary to interrupt the spiral of action and reaction that makes problems worse and does not allow them to be resolved.
    "I am here at the UN to testify once again how much faith Italy has in the United Nations, and in its actions," he continued.
    "The more crises, difficulties, conflicts and confrontations grow in the world, the more it becomes clear that there is an indispensable need for the UN's action". (ANSA).

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