
Workers died one after other falling down manhole

Only one left outside raised alarm

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 6 - Five workers who were killed in Italy's latest fatal workplace accident near Palermo Monday died one after the other by falling into a sewer manhole and succumbing to toxic fumes, sources said Monday.
    The latest workplace massacre, at Casteldaccia, left the five people dead while a sixth is in hospital in a very serious condition.
    After the first worker remained underground without coming out, the others climbed down to see what was happening.
    The seventh member of the team, not seeing his colleagues come out, raised the alarm.
    Four of the victims are Quadrifoglio workers from Partinico, among them the owner of the company; the fifth is a temporary worker from Amap. (ANSA).

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