
'No embarrassment' for govt on Santanchè says Tajani

Defend presumption of innocence, she'll decide if indicted

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 3 - Deputy Premier, Foreign Minister and centre-right post Berlusconi Forza Italia party leader Antonio Tajani said Friday there was "no embarrassment" on the government's part amid opposition calls for Premier Giorgia Meloni to force Tourism Minister Daniela Santanchè to quit after a Milan prosecutor asked for her to be sent to trial for alleged fraud on social security agency INPS COVID redundancy funds for her former Visibilia publishing empire.
    "The oppositions ask for resignations every two minutes," said Tajani.
    "There is a request (for indictment), and when there is a decision we'll talk about it," he said after Santanchè, who survived a no-confidence vote in the case, said she would resign if indicted.
    "It doesn't create any embarrassment for the government. I'm a supporter of the presumption of innocence, just like I was with (Bari's centre-left Mayor Antonio) Decaro, and I don't go and batten onto people".
    Santanchè, 63, is a bigwig in Meloni's Brothers of Italy party.

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