
Emiliano summoned by Anti-Mafia panel for 10 May

For hearing on mafia infiltration risks in Bari and Puglia

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 3 - Puglia's centre-left opposition Democratic Party (PD) Governor Michele Emiliano has been summoned by the parliamentary anti-mafia commission for 10 May for a hearing on the risks of mafia infiltration in Puglia and Bari, sources said Friday.
    In the past few days, Emiliano, who had already been summoned for 2 May, had asked for the date of the convocation to be postponed after 9 May due to political commitments.
    For 8 May - on the same topics - the attorney general of Bari, Roberto Rossi, is instead convened.
    The government is sending inspector to assess mafia infiltration in the southeastern city, where PD Mayor Antonio Decaro has said he has decapitated its 14 mafia clans.
    Emilian was recently embarrassed by telling a story at a rally about how he had, as mayor, 'entrusted' then councillor Decaro to a clan boss's sister over 10 years ago. (ANSA).

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