
Ex priest reopens Italy's oldest grocery store

Rwandan former cleric starts new chapter near Perugia

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 2 - An ex priest has reopened Italy's oldest grocery store near Perugia.
    The former cleric, Alphonse Uwemeye, chose May 1 as the symbolically important date to reopen the historic shop belonging to the Jachetti family, founded in 1832 in Monteleone di Spoleto, an Umbrian hamlet with 500 souls.
    Girolamo, aka Jimmi, was the last Jachetti to run the store, closing it last December after 40 years when he retired.
    "Then we got the chance to reopen and I'm so happy we did, and the shop will always bear the Jachetti family sign," Father Alphonse, 62, from Rwanda, told ANSA.
    "Working is fundamental in a person's life and reopening this establishment was very symbolic, if a little random.
    The ex priest, who lives in the nearby town of Roccaporena di Cascia, said he hoped this new chapter of his life would enjoy "the support of Our Lord, who accompanies me in all the things in my life". (ANSA).

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