
Saman may have been killed by mother

Pakistani-Italian woman, 18, not murdered for refusing marriage

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 30 - Saman Abbas, an 18-year-old Italian-Pakistani woman killed by her family on the night between 30 April and 1 May 2021 at Novellara near Reggio Emilia, may have been murdered by her mother, judges said in their explanation issued Tuesday of the life sentences handed down to her parents earlier this year.
    "The defendants Abbas Shabbar and Shaheen Nazia literally accompanied their daughter to her death and it is not excluded that the mother was the material executor", said the 600-page explanation of the sentencing, which also saw her uncle get 16 years.
    The mother is a fugitive from justice somewhere in Pakistan while the other family members are in jail in Italy.
    The judges also said they had ruled out the motivation of the murder being Saman's alleged refusal of an arranged marriage with an older man in Pakistan, saying the killing had been "spur of the moment" and in apparent anger at the young woman wanting to leave home and go to live with her boyfriend in a a Western-style arrangement. (ANSA).

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