
Mattarella says happy jobs growing in May Day speech

Labour not a commodity, unions interlocutors, disabled struggle

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 30 - President Sergio Mattarella said he was happy that jobs were growing in Italy in a speech for Wednesday's May Day or Labour Day in Calabria Tuesday.
    "The employment data as a whole show significant growth. The positive trend concerns a large part of Europe, Italy in the lead, and this is a source of great satisfaction for all of us," he told an audience of trade unionists, workers and local officials.
    "It is good news that the number of jobs has increased, and also the number of permanent contracts. So is the growth in female employment.
    "Of course, we must not forget the social and territorial disparities that persist; the excluded; the phenomenon of precarious and underpaid jobs.
    "The low wage level of young people's first entry into the world of work, which induces many of them to go abroad for better conditions'.
    Mattarella also said that: trade unions are "irrepressible interlocutors"; that labour is "not a commodity"; and that difficulties persist in the labour market for those with disabilities.
    'Throughout the history of the Republic, important thrusts for progress, for the definition and dissemination of rights, for the modernisation of enterprises themselves have come from the confrontation between institutions and social partners," he said "The intermediate bodies are a characteristic element of the design of our Constitution and benefit Italy.
    "The trade union movement - bearer of democratic values - is an irrepressible interlocutor for the development of fruitful collective, sector and company bargaining.
    Mattarella went on: "Work is indissolubly linked to the person, to his or her dignity, to his or her social dimension, to the contribution that each person can and must make to participation in the life of society.
    "Work is not a commodity.
    "It has a value in the market of goods and exchanges. Indeed, it is an essential element of it, because without the contribution of human creativity it would lack consistency and quality." The president also stressed that "the 'difficulties of those who bear a disability, the burden of care burdens that not infrequently push even families of those who have a job into need, persist.
    "The positive indicators of the economic situation must encourage us to continue intelligently in the direction of economic growth based on equity and cohesion". (ANSA).

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