
Emiliano says can't make anti-mafia panel hearing

But ready to attend any time from May 10 to 30

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 29 - Puglia Governor Michele Emiliano said Monday he could not make a hearing of the parliamentary anti-mafia commission called for May 2 to quiz him on possible Mob infiltration in the southern Italian region.
    He said he was otherwise engaged with a conference of the Italian regions and a conference called by Regional Affairs and Autonomy Minister Roberto Calderoli.
    "With reference to my summons to the Anti-Mafia Commission on 2 May at 10.30 a.m., I inform you of my unavailability for all the reasons already stated in my letter of 24 April, to which I add, as a cause of legitimate impediment at 10 a.m., the summons of the Conference of the Regions and at 12.30 p.m. the Unified Conference convened by Minister Calderoli", said Emiliano, a leading member of the centre-left opposition Democratic Party (PD).
    Emiliano said he was available to be heard 'at any time from 10 to 30 May', after the conclusion of the debate on a no confidence motion in the regional council. (ANSA).

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