
Dumfries apologises for taking Theo dog banner

'I'm sorry, it was a mistake' says Inter defender

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 29 - Inter defender Denzel Dumfries on Monday apologised for waving a banner he took from a fan showing AC Milan rival Theo Hernandez's face on a dog led on a leash during Sunday's' Milan parade celebrating the Nerazzurri's latest and 20th scudetto.
    The Italian soccer federation (FIGC) prosecutor has opned a probe into Dumfries possibly bringing the game into disrepute.
    "During the parade, I held up a banner that showed an inappropriate image," said Dumfries.
    "I am a player who loves rivalry in football, it is a crucial part of every game.
    "I realise that holding up the banner was an error of judgement on my part and totally unintelligent.
    "Now let's focus on what has been the most incredible season for Inter". (ANSA).

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