
Together we will continue to fight for alternative - Schlein

'Abruzzo was given up for lost, we closed the gap'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 11 - Centre-left opposition parties must be spurred by the results in regional elections in Abruzzo on Sunday to continue to work together to create a solid alternative to the centre-right, Democratic Party (Pd) Secretary Elly Schlein said on Monday.
    "Until a few weeks ago Abruzzo was given up for lost without discussion," said Schlein, congratulating centre-right candidate and incumbent governor Marco Marsilio of Premier Giorgia Meloni's Brothers of Italy (FdI) on his 53.5% victory.
    "The outgoing FdI governor started with a 20-point lead in the polls," she continued. "Instead, by uniting our forces around a common vision, we got back into the game and reduced that gap significantly, but still not enough," added Schlein.
    "This spurs us to continue to fight with even more determination to build a solid alternative capable of competing with the right-wing coalition," she concluded.
    Centre-left candidate Luciano d'Amico, a university professor in business economics, polled 46.5% in the regional election after running with a broad centre-left coalition that included the Five Star Movement (M5S) and PD, along the lines of the alliance that saw the M5S's Alessandra Todde win a narrow victory in Sardinia in regional elections at the end of February. (ANSA).

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